The opening presentation is centered on the most recent success of AI research in Slovakia – the SlovakBERT model. Creating a neural language model for languages with limited available corpus can be challenging. We will explain what are the main obstacles when creating such model and what its practical applications are. The second presentation will focus on why AI is becoming mainstream and what it means for the future of the technology.

_Supported by




Matus Pikuliak


Matus Pikuliak from KINIT will explain how they have overcome this obstacle when creating the Slovak BERT model and what its practical applications are.


Brano Kveton


Our special guest is Brano Kveton, a Slovak who has spent about 20 years researching and developing AI for Google, Adobe, Intel and currently for Amazon and who will be discussing why AI is becoming mainstream and what it means for the future of the technology.


Language: English

5:00 pm
Welcome _About this meetup – Maria Bielikova (KInIT), Jan Lunter (Innovatrics)
5:10 pm
Presentation – _AI speaks Slovak. Neural language models for small resources languages (SlovakBERT) – Matus Pikuliak (KInIT)
5:40 pm
Discussion – _AI Goes Mainstream. Recent developments in AI – Brano Kveton – Principal Scientist at Amazon’s lab in Berkeley
6:10 pm
Live Q&A – _Slido #better_ai

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